Not really. We use extremely fine needles that can usually barely be felt. Occasionally there will be a point on the hand or face that may sting but this will be discussed with you and ultimately you are in control of what takes place in the session so if we need to stop we do!

Treatments are an hour in length.

That really depends on how long a condition has existed. Longstanding conditions can take time to resolve whilst acute problems may get better after one or two treatments. This is something we will discuss on your first visit when we make a treatment plan.

No! Definitely not. Chinese Medicine can support you whilst you receive other forms of therapy but you will never be asked to stop medication prescribed by your doctor.

If you want to bring your partner/parent/child to the treatment you are very welcome to.

Yes you can if you have the appropriate level of cover for extras. I am registered with all of the major private health funds as well as being a registered health practitioner with AHPRA.

Yes, there are card facilities at the clinic.